by bobtaylor29708 | Jun 10, 2019 | boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, Kusto Query Language, SQL Meals™, SQL Snacks™
In this SQL Snacks™ we will examine series_fir(), series_iir(), series_linefit(), and series_line2fit()...
by bobtaylor29708 | Jun 3, 2019 | Kusto Query Language, SQL Meals™, SQL Snacks™
In this slightly longer SQL Snacks™ we will examine the family of functions that are based on series decomposition namely, series_outliers, series_decompose, series_decompose_anomalies, series_decompose_forecast, and series_periods_detect....
by bobtaylor29708 | May 29, 2019 | boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, Kusto Query Language, SQL Meals™, SQL Snacks™
Due to work commitments SQL Snacks™ will be moving to a weekly cadence rather than a daily one. Hopefully this gives you more time to practice your KQL!
by bobtaylor29708 | May 10, 2019 | boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, SQL Meals™, SQL Snacks™
I will be in the labs with a customer for the next two weeks and I may not be able to release SQL Snacks™ during this time, due to the time required to record and post-edit the videos.
by bobtaylor29708 | May 10, 2019 | boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, Kusto Query Language, SQL Meals™, SQL Snacks™
In this SQL Snacks™ we will examine the datatable operator which allows us to construct a tabular source separate from the permanent tables in our database. Additionally, we will take a look at prev, next, row_cumsum, and matrialize. The datatable operator becomes...
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