by bobtaylor29708 | Jan 23, 2020 | Azure SQL Database, boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, DevOps, OSS DBs, SQL Meals™, SQL Snacks™
Its a new year, and time to fire up the blog machine again. With the current emphasis on Open Source Software and DevOps, I will be starting several series of SQL Snacks™. One series will focus on the tools and techniques that are used to migrate Open Source Software...
by bobtaylor29708 | Aug 20, 2018 | Azure SQL Database, boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, Extended Events, SQL Meals™, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server Tools, SQL Snacks™, Tools
Based on a request by Microsoft Test Consultant Robert George, this SQL Snacks™ along with a tool I am releasing to the community will allow you to run a Transact-SQL workload on Azure SQL Database, capture the xel files to Azure Blob Storage, and then process them to...
by bobtaylor29708 | Jul 23, 2018 | Azure SQL Database, boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, Extended Events, SQL Meals™, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Snacks™
In this SQL Snacks™ we will examine the techniques required to implement the file target for an Azure SQL Database. We will also examine the differences in the Extended Event system between on premises and Azure SQL Database. The link with the instructions for...
by bobtaylor29708 | Jul 23, 2018 | Azure SQL Database, boB 'The Tool Man' Taylor, Extended Events, SQL Meals™, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Snacks™
In this SQL Snacks™ we will examine the event file target. Along the way we will unlock the magic of the Extended Event viewer UI in SQL Server Management Studio. Again this is longer than most SQL Snacks™ so the video will be in two parts. In the companion SQL...
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